Are you looking for an affordable yet good editing or copywriting service? Perfect! I’m looking for interesting authors and publishers with whom I can expand my portfolio. Being an author myself, I know all the things you overlook in your own writing. As a Bachelor of Arts in German and English Literature, I know a lot about these languages and have been working professionally in this field (editing, translations, etc.) since 2011. Languages have been my passion since childhood and I have made this my profession. As an active reader (~ 120 books a year), I also know the book market very well and know what readers like. But whether you’re a self-publisher or an established author with a publishing house, it takes an editor to turn a good idea into an excellent book.
Is editing worth the effort?
Editing is always advisable, as mistakes can sneak into any text; be it a slip of the pen or an error based on incorrect knowledge. Also, a trained eye can help you spot inconsistencies and improve your text stylistically and logically. I always find mistakes; especially in the area of punctuation, there is still a lot that most young writers don’t know. So if non-breaking spaces, ellipses, and en dashes don’t mean anything to you, hurry up and submit your text! Because especially in times of the e-book these things become more and more important.
What is the goal?
The goal is, of course, that after the editing you have an error-free, logical, and coherent text in your hands. In addition, I will explain some things to you about your mistakes and after the editing, you may be a little smarter than before and make fewer mistakes. Editing is always necessary, but the less I have to improve, the better for both of us.
Which texts do I edit?
Basically everything except specialized texts unrelated to German or English language and/or literature. But especially fantasy, science fiction, horror, thrillers, contemporary and historical. I am also happy to help with the proofreading (no editing) of term papers that do not fall within my area of expertise. In such a case, we can discuss the details via email.

How do I work?
The easiest way is to send me – after consultation by email – your text as .doc or .docx. This way I can easily edit your document and add comments. You will see every change after proofreading and can decide for yourself if you want to accept the change. If you are not yet familiar with the comments feature or the “track changes” feature, I can help you with that. Otherwise, we can discuss other methods and file formats; however, I personally find handwritten editing rather counterproductive, as it is more time-consuming and inconvenient than with a file.
Other text types?
Everything written above does not only apply to books. I edit any kind of text, including, for example, video games and websites. Depending on the type of text, we can then certainly agree on a course of action.
Curious now? Send me an email with a sample page, which I will proofread for you free of charge. If you are satisfied, we’ll discuss everything else. If you could let me know how long your text is approximately (word count please), I can tell you how much time I will need for editing. If I do not find a single error in your whole text, the editing is free of charge. I am looking forward to your text!
- Improvement of style, expression, and sentence order
- Review of logic, structure, and composition
- Correction of spelling, grammar, and punctuation
- Correction of spelling, grammar, and punctuation
- Correct formatting for all self-publisher services
- Clickable table of contents