Christmas Greetings and 2015 Prospects

The Silver Fox wishes you a Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas! I wish all of my readers, players, friends, and relatives Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!

Now is the time to recall the bygone year and prospect the new one. Many things did happen, but unfortunately, many things did not. Legend of the Silver Fox is far from being finished, but here’s to hope it’ll see the light of day in 2015! Also, many translations are still not released, which personally annoys me; not only because of the lost time, but also because I know that many visual novel fans wait for those games. 🙁


But enough of the negative stuff! Books My eBook series, the Raven-Saga, started and it is selling better than I expected. Thanks to everyone who supports the series. I publish the book series on my own and that’s why I’m even happier that it was a successful start. By the way, you can get the first book on Amazon for free over Christmas; just click here and download it. You can expect the remaining episodes in 2015 and … even more! I cannot tell exactly what just now. 😉 Furthermore, two of my short stories got released in anthologies (German only, though); „Eins mit der Natur“ in Eine Feder für Wölfe (published by Swantje Berndt and released in the Weltenschmiede Verlag) and „Monster“ in Bunte Augenblicke (published by the Autorentreff Bad Camberg and released in the Verlag Edition Winterwork). Moreover, there are great new book projects coming for me to edit next year; among other things an adaption of a well-known, German video game. I’m really looking forward to it!

Whispering Willows

Translations Concerning upcoming game translations, it’s also going well. Since a few months, I’m part of the localization group MoonCreative; we localize video games for various gaming systems into German, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian, Polish, and more. That means I get to translate many more well-known games into German like Whispering Willows. But of course, in my free time, I’ll keep doing translations for visual novels; regardless of whether they are free or commercial. Though, please note that (also partly because of my indignation about the unreleased translations) those works, which I get paid for, take priority. I have to pay my bills as well. Even more video game news? Yes! However, like always I’m not allowed to reveal much. As a matter of fact, some of my translations will be released on Steam, iOS, Android, and PlayStation in 2015. As always I’ll announce all new information on here and on Facebook as soon as I can tell you more.


My own video game To Kill A Black Swan was released this year and even though it did not get the same resonance as This Is Where I Want To Die did, feedback was mostly positive. For 2015, I intend to release the last Sleepless Night. Part 3 will be darker, longer, and combines elements from both its predecessors. Furthermore, all open questions will be answered. Legend of the Silver Fox will hopefully be finished and a new visual novel should make enough progress so I can present it to you. What’s more, I’m also working on an RPG, which I hinted at here and there. 😉

That’s it from me for this year! I was able to work with great authors, translators, and developers in 2014, and all things considered, it was a good year. I’m looking forward to read from you; how was your year, do you have good resolutions for the new one?



  1. Hallöchen! Ich hoffe das Du gut ins neue Jahr gerutscht bist. 🙂 Ja, das mit dem Silber Fuchs ist natürlich ärgerlich, aber hey, Dein Privatleben geht vor. 🙂 Das ist mit das Wichtigste, was einem meistens bleibt, doch das scheinen Viele zu vergessen. “To kill a black Swan” habe ich selber LP’t, gut, vielleicht nicht so tiefgründig, wie das Spiel es verdient hätte, aber aufjedenfall ein klasse Titel. 🙂 (Derzeit läuft Re:Alistair++) Was Rabenblut angeht, habe ich mich aufgemacht und das Buch für 1,75€ gerade bei Amazon gekauft. Nun meine Frage an Dich: Wie geht es weiter? Ich habe kein Kindle Reader, nur den Tolino E-Book Reader (der aber für alle E-Books freigeschaltet ist). Wie komme ich jetzt in den Genuss von dem Buch? Sehe da noch nicht so ganz durch, da das mein erstes E-Book ist, was ich über Amazon gekauft habe.

    Auf den Dritten Teil der Sleepless Night Reihe freue ich mich schon sehr. Und natürlich wird auch Dieser wieder bei mir auf dem Kanal präsentiert, sofern es dann soweit ist und Du nichts dagegen hast.

    Abschließend bleibt mir nur zu sagen: Mein Bester, lasse Dich nciht allzu sehr unter Druck setzten, Du machst klasse Arbeit, die viel mehr gewürdigt werden müsste! Vielen Dank für die großartigen Spiele und Übersetzungen!

    • Hallo! Ja, ich bin gut ins neue Jahr gestartet, ich hoffe du auch. 🙂

      Genau kenne ich mich mit Tolino nicht aus und weiß nicht, ob Amazon das gestattet. Man kann das Buch über kostenlose Kindle-Apps auf Smartphones und Computer lesen, aber andere E-Reader? Wenn es gar nicht funktioniert, kannst du mir eine E-Mail schicken, dann lasse ich dir eine unverschlüsselte Buchdatei zukommen, die du auf deinen Reader kopieren kannst! 🙂

      Ja, ich lasse es ruhig angehen und vielen Dank für die netten Worte! 🙂

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