Duck Detective: The Secret Salami – German Translation

Duck Detective: The Secret Salami by Happy Broccoli Games is a short adventure and puzzle game in which you take on the role of a duck detective. Collect clues, interrogate suspects, and solve the crime! The game is now available with my German translation for Steam, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox. Story “Solving crime is no …

Garden Witch Life – German Translation

Garden Witch Life, developed by FreetimeStudio and published by SOEDESCO, is a cozy simulation game in which you build your own magical garden and make friends with the inhabitants of the town. The game is now available on Steam, Epic, Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series, and PlayStation 5, and it includes my German translation. Story “You …

Perennial Order – German Translation

Perennial Order, developed by Gardenfiend Games and published by SOEDESCO, a 2D plant horror boss rush game in which you take on the role of a Perennial Knight and defeat sinister creatures. The game is now available on Steam, Epic, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series, and it includes my German translation. Story “Perennial Order is …